Star Wars Episode VII: Disney estimates a $200 Million Budget

Star Wars Episode VII: Disney estimates a $200 Million Budget

By Reid Joneson  April 23rd, 2014 
Star Wars: Episode VII

In an interview with Bloomberg Television, Disney Chairman Alan Horn spoke about the progress on the development of the budget for the film.

We actually don’t even have the completed budget yet, but it will be in that range. These large, tentpole kinds of movies, on the expensive side, are in the neighborhood of $175-200 million, that kind of a number — some are more, some are less. We need to give the audience, essentially, a full meal in return for their affection and devotion and love for these properties.

$200 Million is a very big budget, one that is higher than the average budget for Disney’s current biggest source of blockbuster income: Marvel Studios. Disney obviously has high faith in the success of this film, and feels safe in using this kind of money on the franchise.

Granted, this is Star Wars which can guarantee even the biggest disaster to be a success, however Disney has made this kind of gamble before with John Carter and still come out on the short end of the stick.

Last week, it was confirmed that parts and scenes were already underway with filming and initial production.

Star Wars: Episode VII will hit theaters next year on December 18th, 2015.


Filed under Humor and Observations

2 responses to “Star Wars Episode VII: Disney estimates a $200 Million Budget

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  2. ameliawestcott

    I also read a rumor on Facebook that Matt Smith of Doctor Who fame will be in this movie. I have not yet confirmed this though.


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