Monthly Archives: December 2011

Very Short Story for the West Valley Writers’ Group

Here is the story in its entirety.  The exercise was to start with the concept “you swing your legs out of the car and immediately feel yourself falling into a hole,” in less than 500 words.  This one is only around 275 words:

Shade Worlds

Bane swung his feet out of his car, stood up, and immediately began to fall down a hole.  The shifts between planes were happening more frequently and unpredictably now.  Bane knew he had to find the stolen Time Key before all the parallel universes collided.  Even as a Time Bureau field agent, the constant shifts were taking a toll on his sanity.  Just as he adjusted to one reality, he crashed into another.

Bane stood shakily as he stumbled into his new existence.  He was atop a barren mountain and heat bore down on him like a vice of suffering.  Nearby vents gave off the sickening scent of volcanic gases and the ground was stained yellow by large splotches of sulfur.  Just as Bane understood he was now on some prehistoric volcanic plateau, he spotted his prey.

Just across the ridge and weaving among the bubbling mud pools he saw the Time Smuggler running for his life.  Bane patted his trusty time sniffing band with satisfaction.  It had finally led him to the perpetrator.

Bane pulled out his weapon, a sleek black barrel; like a baton with a set of switches on it.  He pondered placing it on stun, but this crook had led him on too long of a chase and he was angry.  He set the device to kill mode and trod down the hill, grinning as he steadily gained ground on his stumbling and tripping foe.  As much as the constant shifts had weakened him, it had done much more damage to the unconditioned thief.

It was only a matter of time now.  Bane chuckled at the irony.

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