Government Wastes Money on Bizarre Projects

While running up record national debt, releasing over 2,200 convicted felon illegal aliens and cutting military and domestic programs due to “the sequester,”  the federal government continues to fund programs that are laughable.  My favorite frustration is the over half a million dollars spent to see how brine shrimp react to getting tired on a treadmill…  Appropriate that brine shrimp is abbreviated BS!   The US Senate just proposed its first budget in four years.  It repeals most of the $85 billion in cuts, increases the rate of spending by another $100 Billion, and raises taxes by over $1 Trillion!  More in the re-posted story below:

brine shrimp

Feds fund ecoATM, Robo-squirrel despite warnings about chronic disease research cuts


Published March 16, 2013

The federal government is ready to pay people $45,900 to attend an annual snowmobile competition in Michigan for the next two years.

They’re also ready to shell out $516,000 for scientists to develop an ecoATM that will give out cash in exchange for old cell phones and other electronics. And why not drop another $349,862 for a study that looks at the effects of meditation and self-reflection for math, science and engineering majors?

These are just a few of the 164 grants the National Science Foundation approved two weeks ago. Yet around the same time, the administration was warning that the sequester would cut into critical research on chronic diseases.

While some of the less critical grant ideas were scrapped as the NSF looked for ways to scale back and prioritize, the number of allegedly frivolous grants still in play is not sitting well with Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.

The GOP senator has been on a campaign to call out what he sees as pockets of wasteful government spending. Since the sequestration took effect March 1, he’s sent 11 letters to various department heads highlighting places where they can fiscally trim down.

In a letter to NSF director Subra Suresh, Coburn suggested cutting the grants above along with nine others, including a $515,468 grant used, in part, to study how a shrimp running on a treadmill responds to alterations in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.

“These may be interesting questions to ponder or explore, but just because each is currently being supported by NSF should not mean guaranteed future funding if new applications with greater merit or potential are submitted,” Coburn wrote in his March 12 letter. “I appreciate your agency’s commitment to continuing grants, but ensuring the most promising new research can be supported next year may require ending or reducing spending on lower priority grants now being funded. Robo-squirrel may have survived its encounters with the rattlesnake but it may have met its match in sequestration if we hope to provide support for more promising scientific projects.”

“Robo-squirrel” has long been criticized by Coburn as a big government boondoggle. Researchers at San Diego State University used funds from a $325,000 grant provided by the government-bankrolled NSF to invent a robotic squirrel used for researchers. Coburn has used robo-squirrel as an example multiple times as a government program that needs to be cut.

NSF spokeswoman Dana Topousis told Friday that they receive 40,000 to 50,000 proposals a year. Of those, 10,000 to 11,000 get funded. Topousis says decisions are based on two criteria – “intellectual merit” and the “broader impacts”, which addresses the benefits of the proposed study to society.

She also says Coburn shouldn’t get caught up with the quirky names of the projects but try to see beyond it.  One of the most successful projects the NSF has had a hand in was one in 1996 called “BackRub,” a search engine research project by Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

“BackRub sounds ridiculous but if we didn’t take a chance on it things would be a lot different today,” she said.

In 1997, BackRub changed its name to Google.

Still, others argue that a few success stories don’t make it ok for the NSF to spend taxpayer money. Shortly before the sequester took effect, the administration warned that up to 12,000 scientists and students could be impacted by the cuts due to reduced NSF research grants. The administration also warned about cutbacks at the National Institutes of Health, which “would delay progress on the prevention of debilitating chronic conditions … and delay development of more effective treatments for common and rare diseases affecting millions of Americans.”

But Coburn, among those who say the administration is taking unnecessary measures to comply with the sequester, says there are plenty of other ways to save.

Another program Coburn calls out is “Snooki” — a robot bird that impersonates a female sage grouse to examine the importance of courtship tactics of males.

“Every dollar spent on projects such as these could have instead supported research to design a next-generation robotic limb to treat injured war heroes or a life-saving hurricane detection system,” Coburn writes in his letter.

Coburn said the number of new research grants could be reduced by as many as 1,000.

Through audits and investigations, the NSF Inspector General identified more than $309 million in questionable and poorly spent funds in just the second half of fiscal year 2012.

Read more:


Filed under Humor and Observations, Uncategorized

4 responses to “Government Wastes Money on Bizarre Projects

  1. I am cynical of claims that large amounts of money are being wasted on studies. They’re usually very misleading, and are more about just trying to get the public angry rather than informing them of anything useful.

    For example, the ‘shrimp on a treadmill’ was a very, very small part of a much larger study of the effects of man-made pollution on the marine life we rely on. The cost of the 2 treadmills used was a whopping $1000.

    People have also come out criticising the US government for wasting piles of cash on measuring nicotine exposure in toenail clippings. Except they forgot to mention that it was part of a larger study in the battle against lung cancer.

    More info here:


    • Michael Bradley

      I worked in senior levels of government for some time, including for three Governors and five Speakers, including Chief of Staff for the Arizona House, and CFO for the Department of Health Services. Believe me, any exaggeration in these anecdotal stories is a but a tiny sliver of the waste and abuse in government. The Bureau of Indian Affairs “misplaced” over a billion dollars and never found it. The state of Arizona spent hundreds of thousands to buy an old carousel ride and put it in storage. I could go on and on. Waste happens in the private sector too, but they waste their own money.


      • Ok, I’m not looking to get in an argument. Obviously you have enough experience and intelligence that I’m sure you’re not just going along with Fox News hyperbole for the sake of it.

        I stand by saying that mainstream media articles articles covering this kind of thing are often misleading, and that it is quite infuriating. Just the other day my hometown’s newspaper published an article basically saying that our (partially government funded) water authority had been secretly pumping sewage into the ground for years. It was actually part of clean, safe water recycling trial that they have been incredibly open and transparent about and have recieved overwhelming public support for so far. That’s just lazy, irresponsible journalism.

        I also stand by the opinion that much of this “outrage” in regards to scientific studies is due to people not actually understanding (or bothering to research) the details.

        On the other hand, that’s not always the case. And I certainly wouldn’t bother disagreeing with you that the public sector in most countries is full of waste (especially if we extend the umbrella beyond scientific research).


      • Michael Bradley

        Yep, journalism has ceased to exist in our country, either on the right or the left, as has objectivity. Too much preaching to the choir. You can never get rid of “the fat” but it is especially frustrating when they cut essential services to justify more spending, and never prioritize at all.


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