Tag Archives: cute animal pictures

Cute Dogs for Your Monday Blues!

Furry friends to help cheer you up.

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Filed under Animals, Humor and Observations

Cute Dogs for Your Monday Blues

Your Monday dose of cuteness courtesy of our furry friends.  Enjoy!

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Filed under Animals

Cute Dogs For Your Monday Blues – Dog Shaming

This is an occasional variant on cute dogs for Monday.  Today, dog shaming photos.  I have posted these about eight times and these are the last of them I have right now.  So, if you have some dog shaming photos, please feel free to send them to my email.  Enjoy!


Filed under Animals, Humor and Observations

Cute Dog Pictures for Your Monday Blues

Today, I share with you dogs with children and babies.  Each Monday I post dog pics.  If you have sent me dog pictures, they are in with about 1,000 others and I will get to them, I promise.



Filed under Animals, Humor and Observations