Tag Archives: dog costumes

Special Cosplay Edition – Cosplay Canines

I should start off by warning Jaime Molera, Rebecca Gau, and the Arizona Republic that some of these dogs are dressed “racy” and they might find them “offensive.”  For the rest of us normal cosplay fans, here are our furry dog friends joining in the fun!  Enjoy!


Filed under Animals, Humor and Observations

Cute Dogs for Your Monday Blues

Your every monday hit of cute dogs to help start your week off well.  Enjoy:

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Filed under Animals

Dogs in Costumes and Outfits

For your cute Monday dog pictures, the theme today is costumes and outfits.  Enjoy!

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Filed under Animals

Cute Dogs in Costumes for your Monday

As usual, I have posted cute dog pictures to start off you Monday nicely.  This time they are dogs in costumes.  While I personally don’t dress up my own dogs as I find it humiliating for them, still, these are pretty cool.

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Filed under Animals, Humor and Observations