Steampunk Style

Steampunk is sci-fi mixed with the 1830-1900 period, the Age of Steam.  It often supposed advanced technology based on steam power rather than modern oil and electrical power.  Two of my novels, The Travelers’ Club and The Ghost Ship. and The Traveler’s Club – Fire and Ash, are both steampunk adventures.  I post steampunk vehicles separately, as I do steampunk animals, steampunk insects, guitars, and steampunk people.  You can find all my steampunk related posts by typing “steampunk” into the search block on my home page.  This then, is the catch-all representation of some steampunk style.  Enjoy!


Filed under Humor and Observations, Writing

2 responses to “Steampunk Style

  1. While I haven’t really gotten into steampunk, I’ve always thought it looked amazing. Your pictures have convinced me that I’m right.


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